School Days: Summer 2017 Release!


School’s out butSchool Days is in! A new Co-operative Tile Game™ for kids, 7 to adult! Buy It now in our on-store.

INSPIRATION: When I drove the local school bus over country roads, my biggest challenge was to watch for the roads closed because of bad weather causing huge pot holes and sometimes sink holes.

OBJECT: Pick up the students, bring them to school for the day, then return them to their homes and the bus to the school yard. That’s the plan, anyway.

CONTENTS: Location & Road Tiles, Road Closed Signs, Road Crews, Bus Mover, Students, Die, Rules for Basic Game and Advanced Version for older players.

AGES 6 – Adult PLAYERS 2 -6

PLUS “Are you a creative person? Take my invitation to create YOUR OWN BOARD from the tiles provided and post it on our Facebook Page so I can share it with other SCHOOL DAYS players.”


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